Mental Health Resources in Busan & South Korea
Here I have added a list of resources which will be regularly updated. With the effort of my friend Azra and the wider Busan community, the wellbeing collective have compiled this ever-growing list of resources to be utilized. Share it as you will, and be well. You are not alone ♡ ** PLEASE COMMENT TO ADD/EDIT INFORMATION** Online: 7 cups of tea Free volunteer based chat counseling, a number of subcategories so you can find exactly what you need, LGBT+ welcoming (you can be linked up to paid professional counseling if you choose) Better Help: Email or Skype based counseling with professional counselors. This is a paid service, but you can apply for financial aid based on your income. LGBT+ welcoming. In Busan: Dr. Kim Yeongmi has opened her own practice in Hadan, 9th floor between exits 4 & 6. Phone #051 975 7575 (reception speaks no English but the doctor is fluent and kind) Oreum Clinic: Geumnyeonsan exit 5, next door (to the left) of The Liter Coffee on the 4th floor, across from Tous Les Jours. The website is (오름 클리닉) (these options are psychiatrists and can prescribe medication) In Suyeong: Dr. Jun Hyung Baek, Psychiatrist Young Doctor with good command of English. In Seomyeon: Dr. Yang, Psychiatrist Speaks English well. Sleep specialist trained in USA who’ll prescribe Meds for anything. 051-818-2526 In Centum: Dr. Mingeol Kim USA trained Jungian Psychoanalyst Psychiatrist who doesn’t give meds. 011-874-5784 Think Think Talk Talk Therapy, Mindfulness and Life Coaching 010 5687 0311 ~ English native, Korean (intermediate level) SOS: Suicide help line Korea: 1577-0199…/…/south-korea-suicide-hotlines.html Love-Line (Sarang – Jonwha) Counselling Centre Shingongduk-dong 9-22 Mapo-gu SEOUL Hotline: (2) 715 8600 Hotline: (2) 716 8600 Hotline: (2) 717 8600 Hotline: (2) 718 8600 Website: 24 Hour service JEJU Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (064) 52 9191 Choongju 178-5 Sungnae-dong Choongju 380-010 JOONGBUK Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0441) 847-9191 Chunju PO Box 103 Chunju 560-600 CHUNBUK Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0652) 86-9191 Inchon Insung Bldge, 3rd Floor 988-2 Jooan 6-dong, Nam-Ku 402-206 INCHEON Hotline: (032) 421 9191 Puchon 2nd 105-7 Wonmi-dong, Wonmi-Ku Puchon 420-110 KYUMGKIDO Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (032) 663-9191 Pohang 414-15 Nambin-dong Buk-Ku Pohang 791-040 KYUNGBUK Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0562) 72-9191 Koyang Hyungjae Bld 499-2 Sungsa-dong Duchyang-Ku Koyang 411-020 Gyeonggido Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0344) 915-9191 Kimhae 305-20 Suhsang-dong Kimhae 621-030 KYUNGNAM Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0525) 21-9191 Ulsan 627-20 Sinjung 1-dong, Nam-Ku Ulsan 680-011 KYUNGNAM Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (0522) 67-9191 Pusan 607-1 Chunpo 4-dong, Pusanjin-Ku 614-044 PUSAN Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (051) 807-9191 Lifeline National Office 607-1 Chunpo 4-dong Pusanjin-Ku 614-044 PUSAN Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (82) 51 804 0896 West Seoul Saengmyung Eui Chunhwa 917-1 Mok-dong Yangchon-Ku SEOUL Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (81) 2 2649 9232/4 Seoul KPO Box 1259 110-612 SEOUL Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (02) 916-9191 Daegu 2014-204 Daemyung 8-dong Nam-Ku 705-600 TAEGI Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (053) 475-9191 Taejon Kukmin Bank, 4th 1194 Samchon-dong 302-220 TAEJON Contact by: – Phone Hotline: (042) 254-9191 #kindness #suicideprevention #wellness #mentalhealth #suicide #suicideprevention #self #livewellness #therapy #psychiatrist #wellbeing #southkorea #livewell #mentalhealth #help #education #love #lifewellness #resources #busan